A young woman on her phone using Abby
A young woman on her phone using Abby

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Technical Issues & Support
What If My Camera or Microphone Isn’t Working?
Learn how to resolve camera and microphone problems for a smooth telehealth video consultation with Abby Health
Why Can’t I Hear My Practitioner on a Video Call?
Learn how to troubleshoot and fix sound problems during an Abby Health video consultation.
What if my phone consultation drops out?
Learn what to do if your Abby Health telehealth phone consultation disconnects and how to reconnect with your doctor.
How do I troubleshoot my video call?
Learn how to troubleshoot video call problems, fix audio issues, and reconnect to your Abby Health telehealth appointment.
What devices and web browsers can I use for my Telehealth call?
Learn which devices and web browsers are supported for Abby Health video and phone consultations.
What if I have a technical issue during my appointment?
Learn how to troubleshoot common technical issues that may occur during an Abby Health video or phone consultation.
How do I contact the Abby Support Team?
Learn how to reach Abby Health’s support team via live chat, email, or the Help Centre for technical and account assistance.
Is Abby Health an app or a website?
Can I use Abby if I don't have a regular GP?
How does Abby compare to traditional GP clinics?
What should I do to prepare for my appointment?
What happens if I miss my appointment?
Can I choose my doctor?
Can I see a doctor today?
Who are the doctors on Abby Health?
What is Abby Health?
How do I book an appointment?