A young woman on her phone using Abby
A young woman on her phone using Abby

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About Abby Health
How do I provide feedback or make a complaint?
Learn how to submit feedback, report a concern, or make a complaint about Abby Health’s services.
Is Abby Health registered with AHPRA?
Learn how Abby Health meets AHPRA registration requirements and ensures all doctors are licensed for telehealth in Australia.
Who are Abby’s Practitioners?
Learn about Abby Health’s Australian-registered telehealth doctors, their qualifications, and how they provide high-quality virtual care.
How is Abby different from other Telehealth providers?
Learn how Abby Health offers a smarter telehealth experience with bulk-billed consultations, AI-powered intake forms, and seamless medical history tracking.
Who is Abby Health?
Learn about Abby Health, Australia’s leading bulk-billed telehealth provider, offering online doctor consultations, prescriptions, and referrals.
Is Abby Health an app or a website?
Can I use Abby if I don't have a regular GP?
How does Abby compare to traditional GP clinics?
What should I do to prepare for my appointment?
What happens if I miss my appointment?
Can I choose my doctor?
Can I see a doctor today?
Who are the doctors on Abby Health?
What is Abby Health?
How do I book an appointment?