A young woman on her phone using Abby
A young woman on her phone using Abby

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Data Privacy
Does Abby share my data with third parties?
Learn how Abby Health protects your medical privacy and ensures your data is not shared with third parties.
How does Abby store and secure my personal information?
Learn how Abby Health securely stores and protects patient data in compliance with Australian healthcare privacy laws.
Can I delete my medical history?
Learn how to request deletion of your Abby Health records and what medical data must legally be retained.
Who can access my medical history?
Learn who can view your medical history and how Abby Health keeps your records private.
How does Abby protect my medical data?
Learn how Abby Health safeguards your medical data using encryption, security audits, and privacy controls.
Is Abby Health an app or a website?
Can I use Abby if I don't have a regular GP?
How does Abby compare to traditional GP clinics?
What should I do to prepare for my appointment?
What happens if I miss my appointment?
Can I choose my doctor?
Can I see a doctor today?
Who are the doctors on Abby Health?
What is Abby Health?
How do I book an appointment?