A young woman on her phone using Abby
A young woman on her phone using Abby

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Billing & Payments
Can I claim an Abby appointment on private health insurance?
Learn why Abby Health appointments are fully covered by Medicare and what private health insurance might cover instead.
Can I get a refund if I cancel my appointment?
Learn why refunds aren’t necessary for Abby Health appointments since all consultations are bulk-billed and free.
Who is eligible for bulk billing?
Learn who is eligible for 100% bulk-billed telehealth consultations through Abby Health and what Medicare covers.
Is Abby bulk-billed?
Learn how Abby Health provides 100% free bulk-billed telehealth services for Medicare patients in Australia with no booking fees.

Need some help?

Is Abby Health an app or a website?
Can I use Abby if I don't have a regular GP?
How does Abby compare to traditional GP clinics?
What should I do to prepare for my appointment?
What happens if I miss my appointment?
Can I choose my doctor?
Can I see a doctor today?
Who are the doctors on Abby Health?
What is Abby Health?
How do I book an appointment?