A young woman on her phone using Abby
A young woman on her phone using Abby

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Account & Profile
What happens if my Medicare card is expired or invalid?
Learn how to renew your Medicare card and update your details in Abby Health to keep accessing bulk-billed telehealth.
Can I use Abby without a Medicare card?
Learn what features you can access on Abby Health without Medicare and when a valid Medicare card is required.
How do I delete my account?
Learn how to request account deletion from Abby Health and what happens to your medical records.
How do I update my medical history?
Learn how to update your past conditions, medications, and allergies in the Abby Health app for better doctor consultations.
Resetting my password
Learn how to reset your Abby Health password if you’ve forgotten it or need to change it for security reasons.
Updating my details (name, email, Medicare info)
Learn how to update your name, email, Medicare info, and contact details in the Abby Health app.
Is Abby Health an app or a website?
Can I use Abby if I don't have a regular GP?
How does Abby compare to traditional GP clinics?
What should I do to prepare for my appointment?
What happens if I miss my appointment?
Can I choose my doctor?
Can I see a doctor today?
Who are the doctors on Abby Health?
What is Abby Health?
How do I book an appointment?