No, Abby Health does not sell or share your personal data with advertisers or third parties. Your medical records are strictly confidential, and data is only shared with your doctor or when legally required under Australian privacy laws.
Abby never sells or shares your private medical information with third parties. Your data is used exclusively for your healthcare and is protected under Australian Privacy Laws.
When Is Data Shared?
✅ With your consent – If you request a specialist referral, your doctor may share necessary records.
✅ When legally required – Under certain Australian laws, data may be disclosed for public health reasons.
Who Will NEVER See Your Data?
🚫 Employers – Your workplace cannot access your health records.
🚫 Insurance companies – Abby does not provide patient data to insurers.
🚫 Marketing agencies – We never sell or monetise your information.
💡 Your data belongs to you—Abby only uses it to provide better healthcare.