All Abby Health telehealth appointments are fully encrypted and secure, ensuring your personal health information remains private. We comply with Australian healthcare security laws and use end-to-end encryption to protect your consultations from unauthorised access.
At Abby Health, your privacy and security are our top priorities. Our telehealth platform follows strict security protocols to keep your medical consultations safe and confidential.
How Abby Keeps Your Telehealth Appointment Secure
- End-to-End Encryption – All video and phone consultations are fully encrypted to prevent unauthorised access.
- Secure Authentication – Only verified users can access Abby Health, ensuring that only you and your doctor can see your information.
- Australian Healthcare Compliance – Abby meets My Health Record standards and follows Australian Privacy Act guidelines for secure medical data handling.
- No Recordings – Your telehealth appointments are not recorded, ensuring your conversations with doctors remain private.
How to Ensure Your Own Security
- Use a private space – Conduct your telehealth call in a quiet, secure location.
- Keep your account details private – Never share your login credentials.
- Update your app regularly – Always use the latest version of the Abby Health app for the best security features.
Concerned about privacy? You can review our full security and privacy policy in the app settings.