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Confirm your appointment
Secure your time and we'll send your doctor your file, so they know your medical history.
Speak to our friendly medical professionals
Your healthcare professional will call you, or video call you, whatever you prefer.

Your online visit
starts now.

Your online visit
starts now.

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Australian Doctors & Nurses
We only partner with high-quality experienced, Australian clinicians to provide the best care possible. You deserve it.
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Bulk-Billing Accepted
Check your eligibility for bulk-billing Telehealth appointments in the app. It's just one of the ways we make it affordable.
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Available 7 Days
We're here for you in the moments that matter with 24/7 support from Abby and appointments available 7 days a week.
How do I know if my issue can be treated by an Abby GP?
What happens after I select an appointment time?
Can I change my appointment time later if needed?
Will I speak to the same GP if I come back?
Is my appointment covered by Medicare bulk billing?
What should I expect during the video call?
What if I need a prescription or a referral after my appointment?
How does the AI in Abby assist with my healthcare?